Our Tech Team got a helping hand from 7th grader Ryder Windecker for Chromebook inventory & repairs as the end of the school year quickly approaches! Students in grades 5-7 will bring theirs home for the summer - more information coming out soon!
over 1 year ago, Caralee Gately
Working on Chromebooks!
On Friday, welcomed by LVMS Principal Mr. Ippolito and the Panther, our 5th graders attended the 5th grade picnic, sponsored by the WTPD and the LV Jr. Women's Club. Students enjoyed spending the day with their new classmates from BAC and OFRS, gathering for the first time as the LVMS Class of 2026! Many thanks to the 5th grade teachers of all three schools and Mrs. DeCicco for working with the middle school guidance team and administration to host this event. Thank you also to our parent volunteers who helped ensure our students had an enjoyable experience.
over 1 year ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
Our primary grade Wolves enjoyed their field day on Friday thanks again to Mrs. Hanna and Mr. Churchill, with help from our parent volunteers and Mr. Churchill's 3rd and 4th grade PE classes. We can't thank them enough for their efforts the past two days and the field day memories they created for our Wolves.
over 1 year ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
OFRS Fifth graders had a great time at the Middle School Field Day. The best part? Getting to know students across all 3 elementary schools to prepare to move to Middle School together. 🍧🚒🍉⛱
over 1 year ago, Old Farmers Road School
It was wonderful seeing our incoming LVMS PANTHERS earlier today for their Fifth Grade Picnic! Special THANK YOU to our LVMS Panther for spending some time in the sun for some fun with the LVMS Class of 2026! Thank you, also, to our elementary school colleagues and PTA volunteers for all of your hard work making this a FANTASTIC day for the students. We look forward to getting to know everyone better in September!
over 1 year ago, Mark Ippolito
SOON TO BE PANTHERS! (and our Mascot)
Many thanks to Mr. Churchill, Mrs. Hanna, our teachers, staff, and of course all of our parent volunteers for an enjoyable and successful grades 3-5 Field Day. We had a beautiful day for our Wolves to enjoy the challenging events and make some great end of the school year memories. Well done everyone!
over 1 year ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
Congratulations 4th Graders and Mrs. Fessenden on your impressive Celebration of Learning choral performance this evening. Your hard work and hearts shined through. Brava!
over 1 year ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
FKS 4th grade students performed a dress rehearsal for their 2nd, 3rd, and 5th grade peers this morning to prepare for their performance this evening. Break a leg, Wolves!
over 1 year ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
Students decorated our sidewalks for Memorial Day.
over 1 year ago, Old Farmers Road School
Memorial Day
Memorial Day
Memorial Day
Memorial Day
Trom the Office of the Mayor: If you are a parent, please make the time to attend the Washington Township Municipal Alliance presentation on “Measures to Prevent your Child from Being Kidnapped, Abducted, and Sexually Exploited” The presentation will be by Undersheriff Alan Robinson, from the Morris County Sheriff’s Department, and every parent should make an effort to see this presentation. Monday, June 5, 2023 6-8PM at the Washington Township Public Library.
over 1 year ago, Washington Township Schools
WTMunicipal Alliance
May we never forget those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and great nation. We hope everyone has a great Memorial Day Weekend!
over 1 year ago, Long Valley Middle School
Memorial Day 2023
OFRS students won "secretary for the day" from the OFRS PTO School Fair. Today, the girls made copies, laminated some student work, and assisted with the drill.
over 1 year ago, Old Farmers Road School
Secretaries for the Day
Today we had a second grade student take over as "principal of the day". She had a successful morning visiting classes, running an evacuation drill, introducing an assembly, writing a joke for the announcements and an interview question for a new teacher candidate. Success!
over 1 year ago, Old Farmers Road School
Old Farmers Road School hosted our local veterans Post 1776 for a breakfast and flag raising ceremony on Tuesday, May 23rd. Happy Memorial Day!
over 1 year ago, Old Farmers Road School
6-1 Math Students competed in a cup stacking competition during state testing week. After stacking cups, as a class they took their data which was the number of rows of cups per group and found the mean, median and mode.
over 1 year ago, Long Valley Middle School
Math Cup 2
Math Cup 1
REMINDER: District Schools will be closed from May 26th & 29th, for Memorial Day Weekend. School will resume on Tuesday, May 30th.
over 1 year ago, Washington Township Schools
Memorial Day
From the office of the Mayor: There has been a lot of discussion about the County’s summer’s Schooley’s Mountain Road bridge project. At our project kickoff meeting, I asked the County to hold a public information session meting for people to get information on the project and ask questions. As I mentioned in my monthly update, on Thursday, May 25th at 7:00PM, Washington Township Officials, in conjunction with the Morris County Engineering Department, will be holding an open public information session at Town Hall, 43 Schooley’s Mountain Road, Long Valley, N.J., for the purpose of discussing the Long Valley Center Schooley’s Mountain Bridge Repair Project. Information will be presented on the detours, dates, and related project logistics. The project work is scheduled to begin on June 1st with detours beginning on or about June 17th. The meeting is open to the public and no action will be taken. Please attend if you have any questions, concerns, or comments on the project.
over 1 year ago, Washington Township Schools
Bridge Project
Yesterday we were honored to host our veterans from Washington Township Post 1776 for flag raising ceremonies at the Flocktown and Kossmann buildings to commemorate Memorial Day. Many thanks to Ms. Scrimo and Mrs. Fessenden for preparing our students for their songs and Mrs. Hemberger for the patriotic artwork displayed at the breakfast for the veterans folliwing our ceremonies. Post 1776 is hosting a Memorial Day Ceremony at Rock Spring Park on Saturday, May 27 at 12 pm, rain or shine.
over 1 year ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
Funded by our generous LVMS PTA grant, Mr. Ferrante brought VR Goggles to Social Studies classes to help 6th graders virtually visit the Colosseum, the Form and the Circus Maximus. A great addition to our ancient Rome curriculum! Thank you LVMS PTA for your support!
over 1 year ago, Long Valley Middle School
The Destination Imagination Team is making GREAT things happen in Kansas City! Keep up the hard work Purple Panthers!
over 1 year ago, Long Valley Middle School
DI Global 23