On Wednesday we wore green to show our support of reducing isolation as part of the Start with Hello Week. That's Mr. Churchill in the background! 😄
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
First Spirit Day of the year tomorrow! Wear your favorite sports team shirt!
almost 2 years ago, Fk Pta
Go Team
Tomorrow is Wear Green Wednesday as part of Start with Hello Week! Green Out FKS by wearing green tomorrow, 9/21, as a symbol of unity and solidarity to include everyone.
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
Green Out FKS
As we continue with Start with Hello Week, today was Upstander Tuesday. We encouraged students to show appreciation to the Upstanders in our school community by noticing and recognizing someone who reaches out and helps others.
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
Second grade walks up to Flocktown this morning for The Signature Project assembly.
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
2ndGr to Flocktown
More images from The Signature Assembly Project this morning attended by grades 2-5.
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
This morning our PTA provided us with one of the best assemblies we've ever hosted at FKS - artist Patrick Dunning's Signature Project. The engaging multi-media program shared with students some stories of the millions of people from around world, includinging our new staff, who contributed their signature to this amazing work of art, 25 years in the making, celebrating the journey of life - its beauty and fragility. You can find out more information on The Signature Project at https://youtu.be/x3xNDAXDT0Y Many thanks to Patrick Dunning and our PTA for bringing us this thought provoking and inspirational program. One third grade student shared, "I was mesmerized and my brain hurts!"
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
More pics from last week's 5th grade trip to Camp Bernie.
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
This piece was created from words heard during a reflection activity in 5th grade today.
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
Reflection Word Art
Today is the begining of Start with Hello Week, sponsored by SandyHookPromise.org. The Start With Hello program teaches students in grades to build connections, end loneliness, and help each other. The premise is that small but powerful actions can promote inclusion and kindness. Start With Hello Week daily themes will be as follows: Today - Meet-n-Greet Monday: Meet someone new, use your own personalized “Hello Style!” Upstander Tuesday: Show appreciation to the Upstanders in your school community. Notice and recognize someone who reaches out and helps others! Wear Green Wednesday: Green Out! Wear green today as a symbol of unity and solidarity with Sandy Hook Promise. Trusted Adult Thursday: Thank a Trusted Adult today. Trusted Adults are always spreading the Start With Hello spirit! Moving Forward Fri-Yay: Make a Start With Hello Promise Pledge to keep the Start With Hello spirit going throughout the year!
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
Start with Hello
Mrs. Rabar, Mrs. Sokol, Mr. Winsted, and Mr. Craver met with students new to FKS last week to get to know each other and for our newest Wolves to ask some questions about their new school.
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
new students
new students
FKS 5th graders participated in team building and outdoor adventure activities on their field trip to Camp Bernie this week. It was a perfect weather day and a great way to start the school year. Many thanks to Mrs. Lindert for organizing the trip, the Camp Bernie staff, and our parent chaperones.
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
5th grade
5th grade
5th grade
Kindergarten attends their first assembly, welcoming our Wolves to school!
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
k assembly
Team building in 4th grade!
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
team building
Rental instruments arrive for our 5th grade instrumentals. Lessons have already begun! We look forward to their first performance in February. Thank you parents for your patience during practicing at home on the early part of the learning curve!
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
rentals arrive
1st Day Success! Many thanks to our students, faculty, and staff for a great first day. Between the weather and how smoothly everything went, we could not ask for a better day.
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
welcome back
Happy First Day of School! We are off to a great start. So happy to have our Wolves back!
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
1st day
1st day
1st day
Our faculty and staff enjoy lunch together before the start of what is sure to be an amazing school year.
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
faculty. staff cookout
Another exciting day of walkthroughs and ice cream before the first day of school tomorrow. Thank you to our teachers and our PTA. Get a good night's sleep, Wolves!
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
Ice cream line
K walkthrough
on the playground
k walkthrough
This family is also excited for the first day of school tomorrow.
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
FKS deer herd
FKS deer herd