The Schooley's Mountain Fire Protection Association visited with our first graders today to discuss fire prevention and safety. They also had a tour of their ladder truck! Thank you firefighters for your time with our students today.
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
From yesterday - the Fun Run track freshly painted. Many thanks to our Buildings & Grounds team - Mr. Cryan and Mr. Ferguson. We'll see how quick our Wolves notice, they also painted the Halloween Parade track!
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
funrun lane1
funrun lane2
Despite the rain this afternoon, into this evening, the FKS PTA Fun Run is on for tomorrow, 10/14. Early runs are likely to be somewhat wet, so please send your child in an extra pair of socks and maybe even sneakers/shoes. The schedule for the run is as follows: 9:00-9:30: 2nd Grade & Pre-K 9:30-10:00: First Grade 10:00-10:30: Kindergarten 10:40-11:10: 5th Grade (recess time) 11:10-11:40: 4th Grade (recess time) 11:40-12:10: 3rd Grade (recess time) We are looking forward to an enjoyable event! Run, Wolves, Run!
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
As a reminder, tomorrow October 14, 2022, all students from Flocktown-Kossmann will participate in the “Its Fun2Run” Fall fundraiser.  Students will run, walk, and dance their way around the track following the Halloween Parade loop. Please make sure to send your child in with comfortable clothes and sneakers. Family/friend spectators ARE invited to attend. Please note the times below. 9:00-9:30: 2nd Grade & Pre-K 9:30-10:00: First Grade 10:00-10:30: Kindergarten 10:40-11:10: 5th Grade (recess time) 11:10-11:40: 4th Grade (recess time) 11:40-12:10: 3rd Grade (recess time) Please share the link below with friends, family and co-workers to help collect online pledges. Any check or cash pledges need to be turned in by Friday 10/14 to your child’s teacher. Thank you so very much for your support! The funds raised will help provide educational activities for our students such as assemblies and author visits. Please forward all questions to Kate and Samara at
almost 2 years ago, Fk Pta
Run Sparky
Thank you to the local Girl Scout Brownies for their beautiful fall decorations at both school building entrances. You've brightened our days!
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown-Kossmann Elementary School
Girl Scout Brownie Project
Brownie Troop 98464 completed their project of beautifying the entrances to our buildings yesterday. The girls are all FKS second graders. We thank the girls and their Troop Leader Mrs. Chardoussin for their time and efforts creating these seasonal displays. They look great!
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
Mr. Craver gratefully accepts a donation of stress relieving materials for each building from Reach Out Non-Profit President Matthew Ashburn. Materials included pop-its, coloring books and colored pencils, Play-Doh, stress balls, and journals. Mrs. Sokol, our school counselor, will share them with students throughout the year. Many thanks to Reach Out Non-Profit, and Mr. Ashburn, for thinking of our students.
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
FKS faculty use their after school meeting time to continue their professional learning, becoming more familiar with our new student performance data warehouse and individual educational plan creation portals. They are a dedicated and hard working group of professionals.
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
Mrs. Sokol and Mrs. Rabar engaged students with their lessons during the Week of Respect. Mrs. Sokol taught the first Paw of the Wolf - The Power to Choose. Mrs. Rabar taught students how to be a good upstander by speaking up, reaching out, and being a friend.
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
Spirit Day Friday! Wear your spirit wear! Carolina blue/navy blue if you don't have FKS gear.
almost 2 years ago, Fk Pta
Spirit Wear Sparky
This is a quick reminder that tomorrow, Thursday 10/6, is School Pictures Day at FKS for all students grades PreK-5!
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
School pictures
For National Custodian Day we thank our FKS Custodial Team for all they do for our students, staff, and school to keep our grounds and facilities clean, safe, and healthy. We are grateful for their hard work and dedication our school.
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
Custodians Day
This week Kids for Peace again recognized FKS as a Kindness Certified School for our efforts to nurture a culture of kindness, connection, and belonging on our campus. We are proud of this recognition and the best efforts of our students and staff everyday to be kind and inclusive.
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
This week grades 3-5 students welcomed Tim Rohrer, a young adult with autism. Tim is an author, speaker, self-advocate, and educator of disability inclusion. Tim shared with students a message of choosing kindness, acceptance, and including those with disabilities. Tim also spent time with our FKS faculty that afternoon sharing his experiences as a student with disabilities. Many thanks to our PTA for bringing Tim and his message to our school.
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
Autumn recess is a time of joy with friendships and good weather.
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown-Kossmann Elementary School
Autumn recess
At Flocktown only on Tuesday, 9/26, waffles will be substituted for french toast.
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
To end a very busy week, we want to share with you our Flocktown grades 3-5 artists' 'drip art'. It's beautiful!
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
Many thanks to our faculty and staff for two successful Back to School Nights. We are grateful to our FKS families for the support you demonstrated with your attendance. Enjoy the long weekend and to our faculty, staff, and families who celebrate, we wish you Shana Tovah and Chag Sameach!
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
Just a few of the ways we said "Hello!" this week.
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School
On Thursday, students thanked a trusted adult and our trusted adults spread the Start With Hello Spirit! Today, our Wolves took the Promise Pledge to keep the Start With Hello spirit going throughout the year!
almost 2 years ago, Flocktown Kossmann School