Mrs. Melda and Mrs. Abbate's 6th Grade Social Studies classes wrapped up there Ancient Egypt Unit by wrapping a classmate in a mummy making competition.
I you haven't seen it yet, check out our latest broadcast of LVMS Live, our student created news broadcast of the morning announcements!
Grade 2 students started a new unit on Civic Leadership. After learning about Martin Luther King, Jr., they decided to use his famous speech to create a special project. We have a dream to make our world a better place!
Save the Date! An Assembly on Responsible Use of
Technology For Parents. February 27, 2023 @ 7:00 pm., Benedict A. Cucinella School.
The 5th Grade "Kindness Reporters" visit a 1st grade health class to teach them about Kindness. The name of the lesson - "You Caught the Kindness Bug". First graders learned what it means to be kind, solved a puzzle, and brainstormed ways to show kindness to others. Our 5th grade leaders are excellent role models! 🐞
The OFRS 5th grade students put on an beautiful performance to showcase both their musical and artistic talents. The orchestra, band and chorus all did an outstanding job. Thank you to Ms. English and Mrs. Bruno for organizing such a wonderful event. 🎶🎺🎨
Volleyball Club Information
When: Begins Monday, February 6th
Normal Meeting Times: Tuesday / Thursday - 3:30 - 4:45 PM
Permission Slips: Due by Friday, February 3rd (or sooner if max enrollment met)
Contact: Mr. Petty ( if you have any additional questions
Attention all LVMS students! Applications for the National Junior Honors Society are due on Tuesday, January 31st. See Mrs. Smith in Room 20 for additional information.
First Grade enjoyed participating in learning early coding concepts that allowed them to guide a robot through a maze they designed themselves. This was such a fun, hands-on and interactive STEAM activity!
1st graders experience a challenge with Mindful and Empowering Kids' Mrs. Murphy. Students learned that challenges can be messy, but they can be moved in our brains to where they need to be to overcome them.
Last week our Kossmann students experienced the PTA sponsored assembly 'Burble, Fizz... Kaboom!' - a fun, informative, and interactive introduction to chemistry. Many thanks to our PTA for bringing us this enjoyable porogram and getting us excited about how fun science can be!
First graders experiment with programmable cars during Mr. Dauchert's primary grade enrichment session.
Attention 8th Grade Families! Deposits for the overnight Field Trip are due to homeroom teachers by this Friday, January 27th. Please contact your homeroom teacher directly if you need any additional information or have any questions.
Mrs. Garofalo and Mrs. Abbate reviewed Heat Transfer with their 6th grade students through a variety of interactive lab demonstrations, models, and video examples.
Preparations are underway for the Lunar New Year! Chinese New Year falls on January 22nd and it is the year of the rabbit. The rabbit a symbol of longevity, peace and prosperity.
Old Farmers Road School is so lucky to have such cheerful morning greeters on a rainy day!
What was life like in the colonial times? Second graders got a taste of early American games, art and music at our annual Colonial Day.
This weekend, seven of our LVMS students performed in concerts for select band and choir. They represented Long Valley Middle School with pride and dignity.
Please congratulate Nadine Sirico, Zora Campbell, Cara Kaminski and Sarah Navas for their participation in the North Jersey Junior Area Band.
Congratulations also go to Taylor Greenley, Madilyn Waskis and Ellie Shannon for their participation in the Morris Area Junior Honor Choir.
Busy Professional Development Day at LVMS today! Dr. Turnamian presented plans to the LVMS staff for our new "Profile of a Panther" initiative. Staff members worked collaboratively in the PAC to reflect on goals for our LVMS community.
“Be the peace you wish to see in the world.”
— Martin Luther King Jr.