Welcome Back Staff! Mr. Ippolito met with the LVMS Staff this morning to kick off the 2022-23 school year!
Another great turn out for student walk throughs today. Thanks to our Peer Leaders for volunteering and helping out!
Great to have students back in the building for our first day of student walk throughs. If you didn't get to visit LVMS today, don't forget the building will be open on Friday, August 26th from 8:30 - 11:30 AM for students to visit. Peer Leaders will be available for guided tours and locker practice.
Happy Monday, Parents/Students!
We are happy to hear there is so much excitement and focus on the start of the coming school year.
We're excited, too!
House Lists, math placements, and other important information went out via US Mail on Friday, and should arrive soon in mailboxes. Please be sure to review all of the information when it arrives.
And - Stay Tuned for additional information about the start of school over the next few days.
Final Reminder! All student paperwork for LVMS Fall Sports is due today, Aug. 17th. Please see our district website for more information.
It was great to see so many of our newest Panthers at LVMS 6th Grade Orientation today! Don't forget to join us at LVMS on Weds. August 24th or Fri. August 26th. The building will be open for students to visit from 8:30 to 11:30 AM.
6th Grade Student Orientation is on Tuesday, August 16th from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM. TODAY is the final day to RSVP. Please RSVP using the included link below. Parents be aware, that this is a student orientation only.
Attention all incoming Band, Choir, and Orchestra Students! Please complete the following form by July 31st if you wish to enroll to participate in the music program at LVMS!
Attention Incoming 6th Graders! Mark your calendars for Tuesday, August 16th. LVMS is hosting Incoming 6th Grade Orientation from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM at LVMS. Please RSVP using the included link: https://forms.gle/bzRf3dFBnx5pLTaq5
Wishing all of our LVMS Families a Happy 4th of July!
Earlier this week Dr. Turnamian, Dr. Scairpon, Mr. Craver, Mr. Ippolito, Mr. Mirabella, and Mr. Winsted attended the Summer Inclusion Leadership Conference held at David Brearly High School in Kenilworth, NJ. Sponsored by the New Jersey Coalition for Inclusive Education (NJCIE), the professional development was centered on ways that educational professionals and school districts can support an inclusive education for all students.
Happy Father's Day to all of the LVMS Dads!
Have a GREAT Summer! See you in September!
LVMS annual schoolwide 8th Grade Clap Out! See you at Promotion Class of 2022!
Thanks Mr. Ippolito, Mr. Mirabella, and Officer Wurtemberg for handling the grilling station for our 8th Grade End of Year BBQ!
Another successful 8th grade trip! Until next time Hershey!
Congratulations Lady Panthers, on winning GMCJSCA First Place!! What a banner season!
Great job, Cast & Crew of High School Musical, Jr.!
Remember: we’re all in this together!
It’s on! House 8-1 vs. House 8-2 in our annual 8th Grade Game Show competition!
We were able to get a sneak peak of our Spring musical production of High School Musical Jr today! Come join us for our performance Friday night, June 3rd, at 7:00 PM in the LVMS PAC.