Dates to Remember 2024-25

Please see included information from Ms. Denny, the 8th Grade Counselor

As our 8th Grade Class settles into their final year at Long Valley Middle School, we will begin preparing them for their transition into high school. Included below you will see some "Dates to Remember" for the Class of 2025. These dates help explain the high school orientation process. If you have any additional questions, please check my website under the "High School Preparation" tab or reach out to me directly with any additional questions.


Ms. Kristin Denny

LVMS 8th Grade Counselor

908-876-3434 ext. 2320

Dates to Remember

November 10, 2024

West Morris Central School Store is now online and ready to take orders! The link to access the store is here. Orders are due by November 10th.

November 14, 2024

WMCHS REACH students meet with 8th Grade Students (Introduction to WMCHS mentor)

December 2024

WMCHS will mail home online registration directions and information. Registration must be completed ELECTRONICALLY by January 26, 2025.  

January 23, 2025

8th Grade Parent Curriculum Night at WMCHS starting at 6:30 PM (Snow Date: January 30, 2025)

Date TBD

Online 9th grade course recommendation online will be made available to eighth grade teachers for completion by January 26, 2024 

January 14, 2025

WMCHS REACH students meet with 8th Grade Students (the process of scheduling, the difference between academic levels, the high school bell schedule)

January 24, 2025

Marking Period 2 ends

Date TBD

Invitations to WMCHS individual scheduling conferences at WMC will be mailed to parents by WMCHS.

Early February 2025

Recommendations sent home from WMCHS

February 24- 

March 14, 2025

Eighth grade students scheduling conferences with high school counselors.  

March 2025

IEP Annual Review Meetings & Scheduling Conferences with LVMS CST; WMCHS CST & Counselors; Parents; Students; & Teacher

March 14, 2025

WMCHS REACH students meet with 8th Grade Students (sports/activities/opportunities to get involved at WMCHS)

April 7, 2025

Marking Period 3 ends

May 21, 2025 (12:30-1:00)

WMCHS Athletic Trainer to LVMS to speak to students about the Baseline Impact Test during support period.

On or about 

June 3, 2025

WMC Counselors to LVMS to distribute tentative schedules.

Date TBD - will be released after WTSchools Spring Break

8th Grade Promotion Ceremony (Date tentative depending on use of snow days)

Transfer of records to WMCHS.  Students who will be attending private high school should request records from LVMS prior to this time.  After the Promotion Ceremony, all transfer of records must be requested through WMCHS.

Date TBD

Freshman Orientation, 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.