Winter Sports 24-25

Any student that is interested in participating in Winter 2024-25 Sports at LVMS must submit all required paperwork and physical information by 2:30 PM on Friday, October 25, 2024. Paperwork cannot be accepted after this date. In addition to this email.   All completed forms can be dropped off at the LVMS Main Office, placed in the locking blue mailbox outside of the main office, or submitted directly to Mrs. Hade, our school nurse.  Physical forms and paperwork should not be submitted directly to the coaches at any point.  

Included are the Winter 2024-25 Sports Offered at LVMS (separate links include additional information to coach website / tentative scheduling)

Boys Basketball (7th / 8th Grade) Coach: TBD (Coach will be named at 10/8/24 BOE Meeting)

Girls Basketball (7th / 8th Grade) Coach: Ms. Kristin Denny


Student Physical Packet

Student Athlete Eligibility Policy

Additional Medical Forms - Anaphylaxis / Asthma Action Plans

Extra Information

Physical Packet / Forms updated 6/2024

Any questions can be directed to Mr. Mitch Schlesinger, LVMS Sports Coordinator, or Mrs. Alicia Hade, LVMS Nurse.