Friday, September 29, 2023
Good Afternoon Parents/Guardians of LVMS Students:
We were recently made aware of a number of cases of Coxsackievirus (Hand-Foot and Mouth Disease) infection among some 8th Grade students attending the Long Valley Middle School.
We have no indication that transmission is occurring at school, however we wanted to let parents/guardians know that the virus may continue to spread among students as long as they remain in contact with affected individuals.
As we look to the weekend, we wanted to share additional information from the Washington Township Board of Health, as well as the NJ Health Department, to help parents take action to mitigate any spread of infection. Please take a moment to review the attached correspondence with links to NJ Health Department information.
As always, we’ll continue to work closely with our partners in the Local Health Department to monitor incoming cases. In the interim, please be reminded that students who are experiencing symptoms should not be sent to school, it is also recommended they refrain from outside activities to contain/prevent additional community spread.
As always, feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Have a safe and healthy weekend!
Thank you for your attention to this matter. Regards,
Kimberly Pinto
LVMS Nurse