Thanks to the PTO, Cucinella students spent the week doing some holiday shopping for family and friends! Every class had a chance to visit the holiday shoppe in the gymnasium. Excitement was high!
9 months ago, Daniel O'Connor
Pleased kids with their bags full of presents!
Looking around for some good gifts to get!
So many caring volunteers contributed to the success of this event!   Here are some parent volunteers helping excited kids check out!
There were so many gifts!
The students in Mrs. Spano's third-grade class displayed their creativity with this fun arts and craft project. They made ugly sweaters and wrote descriptive paragraphs to tell more about them!
9 months ago, Daniel O'Connor
Everyone's ugly sweater was turning out to be a little different.
They had a great time being creative!
Proud of her hard work!
Fifth-grade students performed in a vocal concert for the whole school on Thursday, December 14! There were lots of smiles and singing along. It is certainly a very special time of the year! The fifth-graders will also perform for their families Thursday evening.
9 months ago, Daniel O'Connor
The fifth-grade students performed for the whole school on Thursday.  The audience loved it and even started singing along!
The fifth-grade students will also have a chance to perform for their families Thursday night!
The fifth-grade students got down from the stage and stood in the audience to lead a sing-along!
BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: Tuesday, December 12, 2023 @ 7:30 pm Long Valley Middle School - Performing Arts Center.
9 months ago, Washington Township Schools
Please take a moment to read this week's version of Cucinella's Weekly Wrap Up. Click here to read:
9 months ago, Benedict A. Cucinella
Cucinella Weekly Wrap Up  #14
Third-grade students in Mr. Mauro's class had a blast coding and using their Sphero Bolts with Mr. Dauchert today. Mr. Dauchert joins all the third-grade classes for this fun, hands-on activity. The students love this exploration of robotics!
9 months ago, Daniel O'Connor
Hard at work coding!
The students can control the direction of their Sphero Bolts travel by making adjustments on their computers.
Mr. Dauchert in action,  supporting the students!
The kids coding on their computers.  The can make designs appear on the Sphero Bolts and control the directions they travel in.
The Sphero Bolts ready to go!
On Friday, our 2nd Grade students participated in our yearly Colonial Day festivities. Students and their parents got a little taste of what life was like during colonial times through various activities such as making crafts and handmade butter. Thank you to our amazing teachers for making this day a huge success!
9 months ago, Christopher Perruso
Butter making
Colonial Day
Craft time
Handmade dolls
Colonial Day
Cucinella students have been enthusiastically participating in mindfulness activities led by volunteer Sue Murphy. Ms. Murphy empowers the students, reminding them that they are in more control than they may think. Exercises, deep breathing routines, and fun games are highlights of Ms. Murphy's visits!
9 months ago, Daniel O'Connor
Passing the ball around to friends in a game emphasizing group effort!
A thoughtful discussion about the value of hard work and practice.
A group activity emphasizing flexibility.
Please consider signing up to volunteer at the Holiday Shoppe! Read the Sign Up Genius below!!/showSignUp/20F0C4CAEA82EA4FD0-46295072-cucinella
9 months ago, Bac Eagles PTO
Holiday Shoppe
Cucinella students participated in many fantastic Thanksgiving activities and celebrations this week! Happy Thanksgiving to all!
9 months ago, Daniel O'Connor
Proud of the turkey they made together!
Making turkey traps!
Third graders and kindergarteners working together to make turkeys!
Making turkeys!
First grade students enjoyed a visit from the Long Valley First Aid Squad! The kids asked great questions and learned a lot about these terrific community helpers. BAC thanks these first responders for coming and for their commitment to the health and safety of our town!
9 months ago, Daniel O'Connor
The kids were very curious to see what was inside each different  door and to learn how everything is used.
Everyone wanted  a closer look!
The kids had many great questions!
The kids explored the inside of the ambulance.
REMINDER: District Schools will dismiss early Wednesday, November 22 and Schools will be CLOSED Thursday/Friday, November 23 - 24 for Thanksgiving.
10 months ago, Washington Township Schools
The students in Ms. Paolella and Ms. Driscoll's 5th grade social studies class put their learning about the United States Constitution to the test in a fun-filled "Escape Room" activity. Each group worked diligently to try to crack the secret code and be the first to open the mystery box with the grand prize!
10 months ago, Daniel O'Connor
The mystery prize box beckoned!
Which group would demonstrate the best teamwork and crack the code first?
Everyone was concentrating and invested in their work!
The students were excited and working well together!
The students put their knowledge of the Constitution to the test!  Which group would be the first to crack the secret code and open the mystery prize box?
Reminder: School Spirit Day is TOMORROW! Wear your BAC swag or red, white and blue! ❤️🤍💙
10 months ago, Bac Eagles PTO
School Spirit
BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: Tuesday, November 14, 2023 @ 7:30 pm Long Valley Middle School - Performing Arts Center.
10 months ago, Washington Township Schools
Reminder-World Kindness Day is TOMORROW! In solidarity please wear kindness themed clothing or a cardigan in honor of Mr. Rogers!
10 months ago, Bac Eagles PTO
World Kindness Day
We were so lucky to have the members of Long Valley AMA Post 1776 join us on Tuesday for a flag raising ceremony in honor of Veterans Day. We thank the Veterans for spending time with our students and for their dedicated service to our country.
10 months ago, Benedict A. Cucinella
Flag Raising
Veterans speaking with our 5th Graders
Sharing stories
Thank you for your service!
Veterans speaking with our 5th Graders
Flag raising
REMINDER: District Schools will be CLOSED on Thursday & Friday, November 9 & 10 for the NJEA Teachers Convention.
10 months ago, Washington Township Schools
NJEA Convention
Save the Date! In recognition of "World Kindness Day" please wear kindness themed clothes or a cardigan in honor of Mr. Rogers on Monday, November 13th! Our School Spirit Day is now scheduled for Friday, November 17th! Wear your BAC swag or red, white and blue!
10 months ago, Bac Eagles PTO
World Kindness Day
School Spirit Day
A reminder that our Book Fair begins tomorrow, 11/6! Thank you for our volunteers and Jackie Armstrong for setting everything up for us. For any questions please reach out to Jackie at
10 months ago, Bac Eagles PTO
book fair 2023