Pick Up Patrol

PickUp Patrol is a platform that will allow  parents to report student absences from school, submit requests for ‘early dismissal', and late arrivals. The goal of the program is to assist with our student attendance and reporting safety mechanisms, as well as make this process more convenient for parents to use through a user-friendly website (link on our school page under Attendance/Dismissal).


As of Monday, November 7th, all families should have received information via email on creating their account from PickUp Patrol directly.  Please check your SPAM or Junk Folders if you did not receive an email.   BAC will utilize PickUp Patrol in the following ways:

  • Reporting Student Absence from school (sick, doctors appointment, etc.)
  • Reporting a student coming to school late
  • Requesting to pick up a student early from school
  • Changes to the regular dismissal plan for students

We will continue to accept phone calls for absences / hand-signed parent notes for early dismissal and walking until November 14, 2022. Thereafter, all Parents/Guardians will be expected to enter ALL attendance information exclusively on PickUp Patrol.