WTSchools: The Referendum Vote is TODAY! Polling locations are open from 1:00 - 8:00pm. We hope we can count on your support!
almost 2 years ago, Washington Township Schools
WTSchools: The Referendum Vote is tomorrow, March 14, 2023. Polls are open from 1:00 - 8:00pm. We hope we can count on your support!
almost 2 years ago, Washington Township Schools
WTSchools - District Schools will operate on a 2 hour delayed opening tomorrow, Tuesday, March 14, 2023.
almost 2 years ago, Washington Township Schools
BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 @ 7:30 pm Long Valley Middle School Performing Arts Center.
almost 2 years ago, Washington Township Schools
FINAL REMINDER! Required paperwork for Spring Sports MUST be submitted by Friday, March 17th at 2:30 PM. Please visit https://www.wtschools.org/o/lvms/article/998052 for more information!
almost 2 years ago, Long Valley Middle School
Congratulations to the LVMS Forensics team for competing at The Princeton Academy tournament on Friday night. The Forensics team competes in events in Oratory, Declamation, Impromptu, Prose Interpretation and Poetry Interpretation events. In Prose Interpretation Olivia Heydorn received 1st place, Callista Tronoski- 3rd place, Lukas Cioccia- 4th place and Antonio Capone 5th place. Nick Amoroso, Xander Zimmerman and Chloe Desouza also had great perfomances in our first in-person tournament this year.
almost 2 years ago, Long Valley Middle School
Forensics 2023
Last week, Anthony Cucinella, son of Washington Township Schools’ first superintendent Benedict A. Cucinella, stopped by with former Old Farmers Road School principal Robert Brennan. Anthony supplied current Cucinella principal Christopher Perruso with a copy of his father’s first contract in the district from 1954 when he started as a fifth grade science teacher. Anthony and Robert shared stories of Cucinella school’s namesake with Principal Perruso. The contract will be displayed in Cucinella’s vestibule.
almost 2 years ago, Benedict A. Cucinella
Cucinella Family Visit
March is Women's History Month. Our librarian, Mrs. Kerpez, has displayed biographies of important women in history for students to explore and each morning, our 5th graders share noteworthy women's history facts over the announcements.
almost 2 years ago, Old Farmers Road School
womens history
The District STEM Expo is coming Saturday, March 18 from 1-3pm at LVMS! Try out Challenge #1 on the STEM Expo website: http://www.wtschools.org/stem-expo #NJSTEMMonth
almost 2 years ago, Washington Township Schools
STEM Expo '23
In Mrs. Carkitto's 6th Grade Family and Consumer Science classes students learned to hand sew stiches! They practiced sewing buttons and straight stitching. This helped them design their own mini creations.
almost 2 years ago, Long Valley Middle School
WTSchools: REMINDER: The last Community Forum regarding the Referendum will be held this evening at Flocktown-Kossmann School, in the Flocktown Library at 7 pm. All are welcome!
almost 2 years ago, Washington Township Schools
OFRS kindergarteners presented their "Musical Informance" and Art Display today. This was a time for families to get a sneak peek into the students' music and art accomplishments over the course of the school year. What a beautiful event! Kindergarteners have heart! ♥♥♥
almost 2 years ago, Old Farmers Road School
6th grade science students took a journey to the center of the Earth by constructed scale models of Earth’s Layers!
almost 2 years ago, Long Valley Middle School
slices of earth
24 LVMS students were inducted to the National Junior Honor Society in a ceremony last week! Congratulations to our newest NJHS members!
almost 2 years ago, Long Valley Middle School
March is nationally recognized as Women's History Month. Don't forget to stop by the LVMS Library to check out Women's History Month recommendations from Mrs. Taylor-Flynn.
almost 2 years ago, Long Valley Middle School
Don't forget! All students wishing to participate in Spring Sports MUST submit all physical requirements / paperwork by Friday, March 17th at 2:30 PM. Please visit https://www.wtschools.org/o/lvms/article/998052 for more information!
almost 2 years ago, Long Valley Middle School
Pictures from our “Buddy Read” event on Thursday, part of our Read Across America festivities.
almost 2 years ago, Benedict A. Cucinella
Reading is fun!
Reading is fun!
Dr. Seuss was a popular choice
5th graders with Kindergartners
Reading is fun!
More Dr. Seuss
Cat in the Hat
Reading is fun!
Mrs. Hille’s and Mrs. Rosato’s classes
Congratulations teachers on a BIG win! Thanks to all students and staff that participated and to all that came out to support the game. All proceeds will be donated to the American Heart Association!
almost 2 years ago, Long Valley Middle School
NJHS Annual Staff v. Student Basketball Game is underway!
almost 2 years ago, Long Valley Middle School
In honor of National Read Across America Day, students from Mr. Katzoff's 7th grade ELA classes had a Meet with Mrs. Paolella's class at Cucinella to discuss the stories from her classes and the literary analysis of those stories. 7th graders also created illustrated covers in addition to sharing their favorite parts of the story. It was a great event for all involved!
almost 2 years ago, Long Valley Middle School
Cover title 1