Take our Daughters and Sons to Work Day

The New Jersey Department of Education encourages school districts to participate in "Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day" activities by giving children credit for school attendance even though they are “working” alongside their parents on this special day.  In previous years, the day has been a success due to the cooperative efforts of thousands of parents, schools, businesses, organizations and other concerned individuals who demonstrated their interest in children's education and participation in the workforce.

In order for our district to maintain accurate attendance records and account for all students we are asking for your cooperation.  If your family will be participating in "Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day" on Thursday, April 27, 2023, please update your child’s attendance in Pick-Up Patrol indicating the absence with the  comment “Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day” entered in the more information section.  Your child will not be marked absent if we are properly informed of their participation in this program. 

We appreciate your cooperation to make this day a success!


Peter Turnamian
Superintendent of Schools