School Closings & Delays

School Closure

In the event that weather conditions or other emergencies necessitate the delay and/or closing of schools in the district, information will be announced by the local radio stations WRNJ (1510 AM), New Jersey (101.5 FM), ABC Television (Channel 7) and the District website. Families and staff are notified by the District's Communications System through phone, email and text regarding any delay and/or closings.   Should you need to update your personal information, log into the OnCourse Connect database, and update the information for your various devices.

Days lost for such reasons will be made up according to the school calendar or as decided by the Board of Education.

Delayed Opening

Delayed Opening Schedule

Pre School (1/2 Day)

Preschool (Full Day)


Arrival Time

Dismissal Time


Arrival Time

Dismissal Time


Arrival Time

Dismissal Time

Benedict Cucinella

9:35 am

2:10 pm

Benedict Cucinella

Preschool AM

Preschool PM

9:35 am

12:10 pm

11:35 am

2:10 pm

Benedict Cucinella

9:35 am

2:10 pm


9:35 am

2:10 pm


Preschool AM

Preschool PM

9:35 am

12:10 pm

11:35 am

2:10 pm


9:35 am

2:10 pm

Old Farmers Road

10:40 am

3:15 pm

Old Farmers Road

Preschool AM

Preschool PM

10:40 am

1:15 pm

12:40 pm

3:15 pm

Old Farmers Road

10:40 am

3:15 pm

Long Valley Middle School

10:30 am

3:25 pm

Early Dismissal

Early Dismissal Schedule

Pre School (1/2 Day)

Preschool (Full Day)


Arrival Time

Dismissal Time


Arrival Time

Dismissal Time


Arrival Time

Dismissal Time

Benedict Cucinella

7:35 am

12:40 pm

Benedict Cucinella

Preschool AM

Preschool PM

7:35 am

10:40 pm

9:35 am

12:40 pm

Benedict Cucinella

7:35 am

12:40 pm


7:35 am

12:40 pm


Preschool AM

Preschool PM

7:35 am

10:40 pm

9:35 am

12:40 pm


7:35 am

12:40 pm

Old Farmers Road

8:40 am

1:40 pm

Old Farmers Road

Preschool AM

Preschool PM

8:40 am

11:40 am

10:40 am

1:40 am

Old Farmers Road

8:40 am

1:40 pm

Long Valley Middle School

8:30 am

1:35 pm

** When early dismissal is for inclement weather, and not a scheduled early dismissal day, there will be no afternoon preschool and the morning preschool dismissal is 20 minutes later at Cucinella , Flocktown-Kossmann and Old Farmers Road.